RenPrez Massola, La Habana, Cuba, 1971. Addresses the world of sports, cultural and politics of the past travez of press photography. Realizestudios on photography in the Union of Journalists of Cuba, where workshop cursun s basic photographic technique and language in the year 1998. Subsequently linked to the weekly Workers union, the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba and is a part, to this day, the staff of photojournalists of the publication. His photos are published regularly in the magazine Habanera, the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) and other Cuban forms. He has worked with publications such as the sports magazine espaola and fashion magazine Trend, Venezuela. Photo Cursun journalism diploma at the International Institute of Journalism Josmart (Havana, 1999), with the teacher Flix Arencibia, among others. In the same complementary realizestudios Language Institute Inglsy Web design. -2003. Was assigned coverage of the XIV Pan American and Caribbean Games in the Dominican Republic. - 2005. Special Recibimencin digital journalism at the National Press contest July 26. Ue-2006.F designed to work as a photographer at the Cuban Educational Misin in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. He teaches auxiliary technician Ctedra of Journalism at the University of Havana and a member of the Union of Journalists of Cuba, UPEC. Personal website: