2001 graduate of Polytechnic Institute of Torriente Brau Paul specializing in Artisan. 2002-2005 Technician in Restauraciny Conser. Conser Restauraciny Cabinet City Museum. Office of the Historian. 2005 Course in Photography Marti Studies Center. Experimental Study of Visual Arts Center (23 and C). 2006 Admission to the Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA) in the race Escenogrfico Design. 2001 Currculum VII IX Biennial Meeting Sunday Ravenet theorists of Applied Arts. Community Project Mi Habana Calle (Habana Vieja). 2002 exhibition and competition on the Havana perfume 1791 (Historic Town, Habana Vieja). ACAA exhibition of tradition and modernity at the Museum of Orfebrera. 2003 Exhibition of the ACAA Forms in Orfebrera Museum. Reunion Exhibition, various manifestations of the ACAA at the Museum of Decorative Arts in side with the VIII Biennial of Havana. Travelling Exhibition Tour Sergeant Pepper. (2003-2004) 2004 Mention in the contest Hemingway in Cuba Ambos Mundos Hotel. Making-off exhibition in the Pavilion Cuba. Prologue personal exhibition in the Museum Simon Bolivar. Installing IV Elso Padilla Hall of In Memoriam. Galera Mariana Rodríguez (Villa Panamericana). Member of the Association Hermanos Saz (AHS). 2005 Waldo Hall of Plastic Arts of the AHS Lus Rodrguez. Cine Riviera. Beach Salon 2005. Galera Servando Cabrera (1st and 42, Playa). Installing V Hall of Juan Francisco Elso Padilla. Galera Mariano Rodríguez (Villa Panamericana). Artist's Identity Project Toril Bonasso. Norway. 2006 Salon of tiny format. L. Gale Two-person exhibition "Coexistence of Time." Provincial Center of Plastic Arts and Design. Light and Crafts. Collaboration with sculptures Television program Cubana. l Arts Visual