This individual exhibition, Miriam Vallarino complete the requirements for the bachelor 's degree in Plastic Arts, with specialization in easel painting at the University of Art Ganexa. His talent and worsen to constantly improve, leads take courses, workshops and seminars in Argentina, El Salvador and Panama where he has shown his works in group shows with rave reviews. The artist Lobra close this formal educacin circuit after a years work, very disciplined, dedicated and evolved in the study and practices of painting style and technicians, but with so desempeo Well, that makes it clear that aquno for. In Expressive Silence, a beautiful collection of 33 works, his style is figurative, the human body with emphasis on drawing the female face, a warm color palette with a strong infuence expressionist. Has achieved excellent results in texture with acrylics and also with leos, worked with a spatula and brush on the canvas. The human figure, particularly women and their face, are a source of inspiration for Miriam, who combines the colors with great maturity and good technique.