Photo of Benjamín Arenas Venezuela

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Born April 1, 1966 in Edo Araure. Portuguesa, Venezuela formation autodidact. Short Course: 1996 Workshop on Guidelines for the Teachings artistic pedagogical, Casa de la Cultura Carlos Gauna, Ateneo Acarigua-Araure, CONAC Edo. Portuguesa. Evaluation of the Children's Art, Casa de la Cultura Carlos Gauna, Ateneo Acarigua-Araure, CONAC Edo. Portuguesa. 1990 Fish Workshop pictorial image, ORDEC Acarigua Edo. Portuguese Prof....

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Photo of Benjamín Arenas Venezuela

Born April 1, 1966 in Edo Araure. Portuguesa, Venezuela formation autodidact. Short Course: 1996 Workshop on Guidelines for the Teachings artistic pedagogical, Casa de la Cultura Carlos Gauna, Ateneo Acarigua-Araure, CONAC Edo. Portuguesa. Evaluation of the Children's Art, Casa de la Cultura Carlos Gauna, Ateneo Acarigua-Araure, CONAC Edo. Portuguesa. 1990 Fish Workshop pictorial image, ORDEC Acarigua Edo. Portuguese Prof. Rgulo Prez. Main Exhibitions: GROUP 1984 - Exhibition in open spaces with plastic artist Movement (MAP). 1990 - 1st Workshop on Open Air - CURP Park (Museum of Pez JosAntonio) Acarigua Edo. Portuguesa. - 1st International Open Air Painting - AVAP Acarigua - Araure (Square Fish, Acarigua Edo. Portuguesa). 1991, 1992 - XX, XXI Araureos Grounds Competition, sponsored by the Mayor of Araure Edo. Portuguesa. 1994 - XVIII Municipal Salon Rafael Ramon Gonzalez Painting (Hall of Edo Araure Mayor Sessions. Portuguesa). 1997, 1998, 2001 - VI, VII, IX National Salon of Painting City Guanare, Culture Center (CEMO Guanare Edo. Portuguesa). 1997 - Madera, Languages ??in Motion at and Color, Edgar Hernandez Benjamín ARENAS, (Hall of Edo Araure Mayor Sessions. Portuguesa). 1998, 1999 - XIV, XV Salon July T. Arze (Larense History Center Barquisimeto Edo. Lara). "The Collection New Acquisitions, (Center for the Visual Arts Development, Barquisimeto Edo. Lara). -New Horizons Araurea plastic, (Centro de Cultura, Guanare Edo. Portuguesa). 2000 - Pastor, Asuaje and Arenas, (Centro de Cultura, Guanare Edo. Portuguesa). 2001 - Art Museum Acarigua - Araure, Edo. Portuguese Mariana Image iconography in the state of Portuguesa. 2002 - V Hall of Visual Arts (Culture House Barinas, Edo. Barinas). Salon-XXI Painting Municipal Rafael Ramon Gonzalez (Acarigua Art Museum - Araure, Edo. Portuguesa). -XII Salon of Visual Arts Hctor Meza Rojas (University of Cabudare, Edo. Lara). -XII Salon of Visual Arts Fernandez Carmelo (Carmelo Fernandez Art Museum, San Felipe Edo. Yaracuy). "Plastic Arts Collective (private collections), a posthumous tribute to Mauro clams, (Vice President of the UNELLEZ, Guanare Edo. Portuguesa). "Traveling Exhibition Portugueseos plastic artist (Araure Acarigua Art Museum, Houses of Edo Cutura. Portuguesa). 2004 to 5 X 5 Acarigua Young Art - New York, (Museo de Arte Acarigua - Araure, Edo. Portuguesa). XIV 2004 Visual Arts Hall of Hctor Rojas Meza (University of Cabudare, Edo. Lara). 2004 XI Painting City Hall of Guanare, Culture Center (CEMO Guanare Edo. Portuguesa). SINGLES 1990 - Assemblies and mystical Connection (Hall of Edo Araure Mayor Sessions. Portuguesa). ___________________________________________________________________________________ Awards: 1990 - Mention of Honor 1st Regional Contest of Painting outdoors. - Third Prize Contest Pleas Araureos XX. 1997 - Medal of Honor to the Merit in the 183 Anniversary of the Battle of Victoria Youth Da, issued by the Municipal Chamber in the Hall of Sessions of the Mayor of Araure, Edo . Portuguesa. - Order Battalion Araure winners of its unique kind extended by the Mayor of Araure, Edo. Portuguesa. 1998 - Award for young artists VII National Salon of Painting City Guanare. 2001 - First Prize, National Painting Salon XI City Guanare. 2002 - Grand Salon V Salon Award for Visual Arts Barinas, Edo. Barinas. 2002 - Award of Edo Culture Institute. Portuguese Salon XXI Municipal Painting Rafael Ramon Gonzalez. 2004 Special Mention in the Salon of Visual Arts XIV Hctor Rojas Meza (University of Cabudare, Edo. Lara). 2004 First Prize National Painting Salon XI City Guanare, Culture Center (CEMO Guanare Edo. Portuguesa). Represented in: - Institute of Culture of Edo. Portugal (ICEP) - Centre for the Development of Visual Arts (CEDAU) Edo. Lara - Museo de Arte Acarigua-Araure (MAAA) - Ateneo de Guanare (State Portuguesa) - Private Collections in Venezuela, Spain, Germany, Italy, Chile and USA -

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