Photo of M. Mar G. Fontalba Spain
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M. exhibitions and competitions Mar G. Galeras 1982 Fontalba Preciados I. Contest (Vitoria) 1983 Galeras Preciados II. Contest (Vitoria) from 1985 to 1990 Exhibition in Bar Novelty (Vitoria) 1992 BMW 1994 Painting Competition VII Exhibition Bar Ariznavarra (Vitoria) 1996 Board Adolfo Lozano. Competition. SABECO 1996. I christmas 1997 SABECO Contest. Christmas 1998 BMW Competition II XIII. Competition 1998 Art Competition...

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M. exhibitions and competitions Mar G. Galeras 1982 Fontalba Preciados I. Contest (Vitoria) 1983 Galeras Preciados II. Contest (Vitoria) from 1985 to 1990 Exhibition in Bar Novelty (Vitoria) 1992 BMW 1994 Painting Competition VII Exhibition Bar Ariznavarra (Vitoria) 1996 Board Adolfo Lozano. Competition. SABECO 1996. I christmas 1997 SABECO Contest. Christmas 1998 BMW Competition II XIII. Competition 1998 Art Competition Alavs 48. Permanent Exhibition Competition 1999 / wookie Bar Otxanda Exhibition 2000 (March) (Vitoria) 2000 Exhibition in Red Kangaroo Pub (April-May) (Vitoria) 2000 Art Gallery of Aitor Urdangarin III . Contest (June) (Vitoria) 2000 Exhibition at Coffee Data 5 (June) (Vitoria) 2002 2002 Permanent Exhibition Gallery of Art Aitor Urdangarin V. Contest (Vitoria) 2005 2 Award Christmas cards ADELE (Vitoria) 2006 Calendar 2007 to ADELE (Vitoria) 2007 Art Gallery ESART of Barcelona. (January) Silver Medal at the VIII International Winter Salon 2007 XXVIII International Competition Minicuadros Elda (April) 2007 Individual Exhibition Centre CVIC El Pilar (From 1 to 13)

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