Born in since (sucre), came at a tender age to the city of Barrancabermeja (Santander), where he was held as a person and where they began their artistic shoots, with time, this interest has grown, reaching an age where it was to decide to do with your life, this is how he began his studies in physics and mathematics, by a mistake in life, but which nevertheless was able to overcome, that is how his interest in art grows at the base of his career, after experiential learning, and graduating in physics and mathematics decided to begin his studies at the University of Sabana in Bogotá, but only made three semesters, for his interest and advancements are higher and their obligations as well ... so he became a mature and go after all our country ... practicing a profession that did not belong but that gives you the opportunity to find the inspiration to all sides that was ... this is how returns to and is set to Barrancabermeja with his family and start the real development of their works ... known as the "professional", points in the social environment, for their work and participation in many exhibitions of local and regional type, and has even represented the department, and his works have walked in different parts of the country and outside it. .. without being able to clear the credit it deserves for his artistic work, is the present and still painting and creating works magnificent as those I will present acontinuacn ...