The author Joe Pizarro Gavira, neighbor Alovera (Guadalajara) and craft lover since childhood, has done several exhibitions, including for the Association of Artisans Artydea in Alcobendas (Madrid), between September and December 1998, stating the purpose crafts Benfica. In the year 2000 makes an exhibition mounts Handcrafted natural logs and pictures in the fifth dimension in Mejorada del Campo (Madrid). In the year 2003 iniciaciny teaches refinement of traditional soap. In October 2004 he made an exhibition and sale of handmade soaps in the Cultural Center of Alovera (Guadalajara), Benfica to collective purposes of disadvantaged people and resources excasos, seraqu, the next month of January 2005 where he began teaching a course An introduction to handmade soap. In December 2004 realizaruna exhibition and sale of handmade soaps in the City of Fontanar (Guadalajara) and then began offering a course of development iniciaciny the traditional soap for people in this town. Directed plans to teach Women's Associations of Castilla La Mancha (Guadalajara) of iniciaciny improvement of handmade soaps and bath salts with properties in upcoming and future applications for the estabierta them by any entity.