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Photo of Juan Antonio Cordoba Spain

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JUAN ANTONIO CORDOBA Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1944 Lives in Buenos Aires and Madrid. Join collective and single-shows with Drawings, Etchings, Sculptures and events in Design shows, in His Country, Brazil, Uruguay and Spain. Private collectors and museums own historical work in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Netherlands, Italy, United States, China, Australia, Spain. He Was selected to design prizes and made the...

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JUAN ANTONIO CORDOBA Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1944 Lives in Buenos Aires and Madrid. Join collective and single-shows with Drawings, Etchings, Sculptures and events in Design shows, in His Country, Brazil, Uruguay and Spain. Private collectors and museums own historical work in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Netherlands, Italy, United States, China, Australia, Spain. He Was selected to design prizes and made the followings:. Coca-Cola in Arts and Science.Argentina. . Uruguayan Chamber of the Wool. . Solidary Architect. (Central Society of Architects, CSA, Arg). Latin American Association of Publicity Agencies. . Biennal.Buenos Architecture Aires. . Many Others for private and official Institutions. Shows and European editions:. EXPOSALÃO to Galeria Alfama. Batalha, Portugal. (2001). Taller del Prado (Sculptures editions, 2002) (Etchings editions, 2003). Ledesma. Graphic art. . Salon de la Estampa (Print fair) Madrid (2002-2003). Portoarte.Contemporary arts. Oporto, Portugal. Prizes. Second Prize, V Salon de la Plata. . First Mention, Salon San Fernando XIV. . Special Prize, Salon V Avellaneda. . Rogelio Yrurtia Prize, Salón Manuel Belgrano. . Third Prize, Salon M. Belgrano. . Mention Prize, National Salon LVII. . Second Prize, Salon M. Belgrano. First Prize, Salon de Buenos Aires Cereal. . Special Prize, Salon de Santa Fe LVII. Second Prize, I Salon of Parana. . Honorary Mention, General Pealoza Monument to Pro. . First Prize, Salon de Avellaneda. . Grand Prize d `Honneur, Salon Cerealista of Buenos Aires. . First Prize, Salon de Moreno. . First Prize, II Salon of Parana. . First Prize, Coca-Cola in Arts and Science. . First Prize trophy Making of Uruguayan Chamber of wool. Others I have work in wall murals, and waterfountains Mainly in design and making decoratives pieces on stone, wood, steel and bronze, as lightning sculptures, table bases, etc.. The Culture Department of Town Hall and the Academy of Lunfardo Portea sponsored Sculptures historical works on Tango. Museums Eduardo Sivori.Buenos Aires. Nicolas Avellaneda.Province of Buenos Aires. Fine Artes.Province of Santa Fe Secretary Nacion.Argentina culture. Museo Provincial de Jaen. Spain.

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