Photo of Verginio Baiense Brazil

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1968 Brazilian, born in the small town of South Mimoso, State of the Holy Spirit. He went to Rio de Janeiro still a child, he grew up and was educated. Since his childhood, Jera remarkable gift of art. Its easy to handle brushes and match colors, was admired by those who knew him. 1983 Joined an association known as the "Beehive of Painters in Brazil" in the district of So Cristvam - RJ, where he participated in a contest...

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1968 Brazilian, born in the small town of South Mimoso, State of the Holy Spirit. He went to Rio de Janeiro still a child, he grew up and was educated. Since his childhood, Jera remarkable gift of art. Its easy to handle brushes and match colors, was admired by those who knew him. 1983 Joined an association known as the "Beehive of Painters in Brazil" in the district of So Cristvam - RJ, where he participated in a contest and was awarded a silver medal, the association remained at1987. 1992 Participated in one of the biggest events of the Ecological planet, "Eco 92", along with his friend and plastic artsta Pasquini. Artistic via a walk. His canvases (AMe Man and Nature and Art) were conducted by the group of Scouts Mirins the State of Rio de Janeiro, where they were photographed by a journalist of several parts of the world. It was donated to the UN one of his works, painted four hands, along with Pasquini. 1993 Participated as special guest of an exhibition on Avenida Paulista agency Bank Brazil, organized by the Association Lucchesi Nel Mondo, along with artstas Mario Martinelli, Sergio Betti, Grida, Scaramucci and Pasquini, all of City of Lucca - Italy. In 1994 Holmes Club, located at Avenida Paulista, Many could appreciate his work at a conference held during a dinner offered avri Brazilian personalities. 1995 Attended a conference at Baro de Penedo Gallery, located at Rua da Comfort - center - SP. Sold 21 works. His works were exhibited in 2000 in ered from 07 to 15 Novem ber, in the building of Social Previdncia Guarulhos.

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