The Fine Arts Circle (Madrid, Spain) presents the photographs taken by Robert Capa, Gerda Taro and David 'Chim' Seymour during the Spanish Civil War, which had been lost without trace since 1939. These extraordinary images, many of them unpublished, make up what is known as the 'Mexican Suitcase' and are without any doubt the most important group of 20th century recovered negatives.
Robert Capa left Paris in 1939, before the Germans occupied the city. He left valuable material behind in his studio, amongst which were three boxes containing 126 rolls of film. On them were 4,500 photographs taken by him, Gerda Taro and David 'Chim' Seymour during the Spanish Civil War between May 1936 and March 1939, as well as a smaller number of photographs taken by Fred Stein in the French capital.
The Mexican Suitcase. Rediscovered Spanish Civil War negatives by Capa, 'Chim' and Taro presents some 70 photographs, of which 50 are vintage prints, as well as amplified modern contacts of some complete series, and documents that place the images in context and reveal the impact they had when they were published. The photographs and documents making up the exhibition are arranged in 33 sections and allow us to follow in the footsteps of the three photographers across wartime Spain.
Dates: from July 19 to September 30.
Location: Fine Arts Circle. C/ Alcalá, 42. 28014. Madrid. (Spain).
Opening hours: from Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 2pm and from 5pm to 9pm. Sundays from 11am to 2pm.