
The Mill of the Galette

Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Netherlands
  • Category: Painting

Public domain

Artist information

(Zündert, The Netherlands 1853 - Auvers-sur-Oise, France 1890)

Vincent Willem van Gogh was a Dutch painter and an important figure of the Postimpressionist movement. His father was a protestant pastor and his uncles were rich painting traders. Thanks to his uncles, in 1869 Van Gogh worked with the Parisian art dealer Goupil & Co in the branch they had in The Hague. In 1873 he was moved to the branch in Brussels and later to the one in London. In London he went through...

See more information about Vincent van Gogh

Buy print

Little 9.9 x 7.9 in165 $
Medium 22.1 x 17.8 in322 $
Big 33.5 x 26.8 in417 $
Personalized9.9 x 7.9 in
165 $

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