Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Netherlands
  • Category: Painting

Public domain

Artist information

(Delft 1632 - 1675)

Known as Jan Vermeer, Vermeer of Delft, or Johannes van der Meer, a Dutch painter. Few details of his life are known; he was probably a disciple of Carel Fabritius, and it is undeniable that he was familiar with the work of the Caravaggists. In 1653, he obtained the degree of master of the painters' guild in his hometown, of which he was dean in...

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Little 7.9 x 9.5 in165 $
Medium 17.4 x 20.1 in278 $
Big 26 x 30.4 in365 $
Personalized7.9 x 9.5 in
165 $

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