Home > Famous artworks > Painting > Michelangelo > Vault of the Sistine Chapel, fresco, stories of Genesis, scene in the lunette


Vault of the Sistine Chapel, fresco, stories of Genesis, scene in the lunette

Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Italy
  • Category: Painting

Public domain

Artist information

(Caprese 1475- Rome 1564)

Michelangelo Buonarroti is an Italian sculptor, painter, architect, and poet. The study of ancient sculpture and the example of Donatello were decisive in shaping his artistic personality.

Son of the podestà of Caprese, he entered Ghirlandajo's workshop at the age of thirteen, who, amazed by his talent, recommended him to Lorenzo the Magnificent. By the age of fifteen,...

See more information about Michelangelo

Buy print

Little 7.9 x 11.1 in165 $
Medium 25.2 x 35.5 in417 $
Big 42.2 x 59.1 in922 $
Personalized7.9 x 11.1 in
165 $

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