Home > Famous artworks > Painting > Hans the Younger Holbein > Portrait of his wife Elsbeth Binsenstock with the two eldest children Philipp and Katharina.


Portrait of his wife Elsbeth Binsenstock with the two eldest children Philipp and Katharina.

Information on the original artwork

  • Country: France
  • Category: Painting

Public domain

Artist information

(Augsburg, 1497 - London, 1543)

The German artist Hans Holbein the Younger (der Jüngere) was one of the portrait masters during the Renaissance and an important designer of xylographies, glaziers and jewellery pieces.

He was born in Augsburg. His father was Hans Holbein the Elder, who was a well-known artist of the Flemish painting and who realized excellent outstanding portraits. So, since he was a child, he studied painting together with his father and his...

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Little 7.9 x 9.9 in165 $
Medium 20.9 x 25.6 in330 $
Big 33.5 x 41 in417 $
Personalized7.9 x 9.9 in
165 $

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