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  • Country: Italy
  • Category: Painting

Public domain

Artist information

(Oudewater 1460 - Bruges 1523)

The Flemish painter Gerard David was the last great master of the Bruges School, where he established in 1483 and received the influence of Hans Memling, whose clients he inherited. The magistrate of the city commissioned him two works about justice: The Judgement of Cambyses and The Flaying of Sisamnes (Bruges Museum). In Bruges he studied the main artworks by the Van Eyck brothers and by Rogier van der Weyden among other painters.


See more information about Gerard David

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Little 10.7 x 7.9 in165 $
Medium 26.8 x 20.1 in330 $
Big 42.2 x 31.5 in417 $
Personalized10.7 x 7.9 in
165 $

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