Home > Famous artworks > Painting > Francesco del Cossa > Griffoni Altarpiece, originally Griffoni Chapel in San Petronio in Bologna, panel on the right wing with Saint John the Baptist.


Griffoni Altarpiece, originally Griffoni Chapel in San Petronio in Bologna, panel on the right wing with Saint John the Baptist.

Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Italy
  • Category: Painting

Public domain

Artist information

(Ferrara 1435 - 1477)

Francesco del Cossa was an Italian painter. He was disciple of Cosme Tura. He realized his first artwork, which was the painting from the high altar of the Episcopal Palace in Ferrara, when he was the assistant of his father Cristofano del Cossa.

He distinguished himself by the realization of the frescoes of the Palazzo Shifanoia (Ferrara). He gave up this work, which was completed following his projects, and moved to Bologna, where the...

See more information about Francesco del Cossa

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Little 7.9 x 11.5 in165 $
Medium 20.9 x 30.4 in365 $
Big 33.5 x 48.5 in478 $
Personalized7.9 x 11.5 in
165 $

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