
His works, done in collaboration with his disciples, often his fellow monks, were based on patterns inherited from his master miniaturist Lorenzo Monaco, what makes an artist Fra Angelico, medieval background. Even so, his ideology was expressed with a modern pictorial language, which found a revolutionary painting of Masaccio.

It is the painter of the Annunciation (one is in the Museo del Prado), which displays his gentleness and calm temperament. Landscapes, lines and colors are the same balance. He devoted much of his artistic life with frescoes decorate the plots of the convent of San Marco, where he lived and which now become the Museum dell'Angelo retained most of their works. There are works painted on wood and a series of frescoes (1438-1477) with scenes from the life of Christ.

Among the many disciples of Fra Angelico Benozzo Gozzoli stresses.
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