Home > Famous artworks > Painting > Diego Velázquez > Christ in the House of Martha and Mary


Christ in the House of Martha and Mary

Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Painting

Public domain

Artist information

(Seville 1599 - Madrid 1660)

Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez, a Spanish painter and a great exponent of Spanish painting, is considered one of the greatest painters in all of history.

He was the firstborn son of Juan Rodríguez de Silva and Jerónima Velázquez, both natives of Seville. Juan Rodríguez de Silva was apparently a nobleman of limited means, whose parents had come to settle in Seville from Oporto. With the freedom that...

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Buy print

Little 13.8 x 7.9 in165 $
Medium 41 x 24.1 in417 $
Big 68.2 x 39.8 in922 $
Personalized13.8 x 7.9 in
165 $

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