Home > Famous artworks > Painting > Andrea Mantegna > Portrait of Cardinal Carlo de' Medici


Portrait of Cardinal Carlo de' Medici

Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Italy
  • Category: Painting

Public domain

Artist information

(Italy 1431-1506)

Italian painter born in Isola di Sopra, a town located in the territory of Vicenza, in 1431. The documents published by Víctor Lazzarini put an end to the discussions that pointed to Vicenza or Padua as the presumed birthplaces of the great humanistic painter.

Orphaned from a very young age, Mantegna was adopted by the painter Francesco Squarcione, who made him join the

See more information about Andrea Mantegna

Buy print

Little 7.9 x 12.3 in165 $
Medium 17.4 x 26 in270 $
Big 26 x 39.4 in417 $
Personalized7.9 x 12.3 in
165 $

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