Born in Teruel (Spain) in 1977. Specialized photographer, creates from complex compositions and chromatic and symbolical comparisons, obtaining as a result, original works in which captures the sensuality of the human mistery. Her photographic work is an universe filled by icons that disturb and compel the its observer -eyes, exotic landscapes, solitary worlds - are a plain manifestation and representation of our fears, phobias,passions, dreams. His exhibitions are a reflection on the human paradises, the needs, the wishes, and the feelings. In this way his photographic pieces, turn into an autopsy of feelings and emotions, universal by definition, that he does not discover but he give them the shape and colors (strong and acids, blues, reds, yellows bottoms. the spanish artist retakes the mythological theme of the young menn drowned by his own reflection in the water as a metaphor of the Another life on the Earth.