Home > Magazine > MoMA covers Cindy Sherman career

Cindy Sherman. Untitled Film Still #6. 1977. Gelatin silver print, 9 7/16 x 6 1/2″ (24 x 16.5 cm). The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Acquired through the generosity of Jo Carole and Ronald S. Lauder in memory of Eugene M. Schwartz © 2012 Cindy Sherman

MoMA covers Cindy Sherman's career

The Museum of Modern Art MoMA (New York, USA) presents the exhibition Cindy Sherman, a retrospective tracing the groundbreaking artist’s career from the mid-1970s to the present.

The exhibition brings together some 180 key photographs from the artist's significant series—including the complete ―Untitled Film Stills‖ (1977–80), the critically acclaimed centerfolds (1981), and the celebrated history portraits (1989–90)—plus examples from all of her most important bodies of work, ranging from her fashion photography of the early 1980s to the breakthrough sex pictures of 1992 to her 2003 clowns and monumental society portraits from 2008. In addition, the exhibition features the American premiere of her 2010 photographic mural.

Cindy Sherman is widely considered to be one of the most important and influential artists of our time and her work is the unchallenged cornerstone of post-modern photography. Masquerading as a myriad of characters in front of her own camera, Sherman creates invented personas and tableaus that examine the construction of identity, the nature of representation, and the artifice of photography. Her works speak to an increasingly image-saturated world, drawing on the unlimited supply of visual material provided by movies, television, magazines, the Internet, and art history.

Date: until June 11.
Location: Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), 11 West 53 Street. New York, NY 10019. USA.
Opening hours: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays from 10.30 to 5.30pm. Fridays from 10.30 to 8pm.

See some of the works by Sherman:

Retrato de Arlete Boucard, por Tamara de Lempicka, 1928

Tamara de Lempicka, the artist as femme fatale

Until September 8th, 2013

United Kingdom

Summer arrives to the Royal Academy

From June 10th to August 18th

Lara Almárcequi, Venice Biennale

Art (and Biennale) in Venice

Until Novemberl 24th

Autorretrato como artista,  por Van Gogh, 1887, Museo Van Gogh, Ámsterdam.

Van Gogh: radiograph of an innovator

Until January 12th, 2014

Rain Room, by Random International, 2012

Instructions for controlling the rain

Until July 28th, 2013

Autorretrato, por Dennis Hopper, 1963, Los Angeles.The Dennis Hopper Art Trust

Through the lens of Dennis Hopper

Until September 29th 2013


Dalí: All his faces

From April 27th to September 2nd, 2013


Retrospective devoted to Rafael Coronel

from September 21 to January 13


Frank Stella. The Retrospective. Works 1958-2012

from September 8 to January 20


Zaha Hadid at Ivorypress

from September 4 to November 3

United Kingdom

Renaissance to Goya: Prints and drawings from Spain

from September 20 to January 6


Olympia: Myth - Cult - Games

through January 7


Picasso, enemy of Duchamp

through March 3


Dark Romanticism. From Goya to Max Ernst

from September 26 to January 20

The Netherlands

'The Last Supper' (pink) by Andy Warhol

from October 6 to November 11


The Museo del Prado in Australia

until November 4


Antoni Tàpies. Head arms legs body

through November 4


William Blake. Visions in British Art

through October 21


The Mexican suitcase at the Fine Arts Circle in Madrid

from July 19 to September 30.


Luis Claramunt. The Vertical Journey

from July 13 to October 21


Picasso viewed by Otero

until September 23

United Kingdom

Van Gogh to Kandinsky: Symbolist Landscape in Europe 1880-1910

from July 14 to October 14.

United Kingdom

Metamorphosis: Titian 2012

from July 11 to September 23

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